Tulsa Roofing Blog

Information To Help You Stay On Top Of Your Roof

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Tulsa Roofing Blog

Tulsa Roofing Blog

Your up-to-date resources for all things roofing. Get the latest tips, suggestions and information on how to maintain your home and your investments. Looking for something you don’t see here? Reach out! Call the experts at Roof Co at 918-921-4400 to get more information about roofing services. Whether it is residential or commercial, no job is too big or too small. 


When To Replace Your Roof

When To Replace Your Roof

When To Replace Your Roof Your roof is one of, if not, the most important part of your home. Knowing how to identify issues and potential threats to it's integrity is important. We want to help you identify some of these issues that when it comes time for a new roof,...

Commercial Roof Maintenance

Commercial Roof Maintenance

Commercial Roof Maintenance   If you own a business, you know how important it is to maintain your building. If there is a problem, you could be down for days, or weeks. The importance of commercial roof maintenance cannot be understated. Staying on top of this will...

How Long Does A Roof Last?

How Long Does A Roof Last?

How Long Does A Roof Last?   In a perfect world, the lifespan of a roof is around 30 years. In Oklahoma, not so much. If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes right? If you are wondering how long you can expect to get our of yours well, that can be...

Storm Damage To Your Roof

Storm Damage To Your Roof

Storm Damage To Your Roof   Oklahomans know all about what the weather can do to your home. They don't call it Tornado alley for nothing. Storm damage to your roof can be extensive, or minor. Due to the fluctuating weather patterns you can receive tons of hail damage...

The Difference Between A Hip Roof And A Gable Roof

The Difference Between A Hip Roof And A Gable Roof

Gable Roof Vs. Hip Roof What is the difference between a gable roof and  hip roof? These two designs are very common roofing styles in Oklahoma. Both are very efficient at flowing precipitation off the roof and away from the home. The particular style of roof a house...

FAQ’s About New Roofs

FAQ’s About New Roofs

FAQ's About New Roofs   There is a lot of very basic information about roofing available online these days, but we still get the same questions. People want to know how to maintain their roof and help it last as long as possible. You want to know about the process and...

Are Roof Warranties Transferable?

Are Roof Warranties Transferable?

Can You Transfer A Roof Warranty? When it comes to buying or selling a home, one topic always brought up is warranties. It doesn't matter if it's the floor or the appliances, everyone wants the peace of mind that if it breaks, it will be fixed.   So naturally when it...

Filing A Roofing Insurance Claim

Filing A Roofing Insurance Claim

Filing A Roofing Insurance Claim Getting your new roof from Roof Co means getting the best Roof you can get. From the initial inspection until it's all cleaned up, you will know exactly what to expect from our professional roofing team. Insurance claims in Oklahoma...

Are You Getting Scammed?

Are You Getting Scammed?

Signs That A Roofer Is Ripping You Off   If you own a home, the chances are that at some point a roofer has stopped by and offered to inspect your roof for you. Seems like a nice enough gesture right? You just had a big storm roll by and maybe you were curious about...

Replacing Your Roof

Replacing Your Roof

Different Factors In Replacing Your Roof If you are preparing to have the roof replaced on your home, then you are likely wondering what the time line for that looks like. The vast majority of the time, it will not change your schedule at all.  Roofing contractors...


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